2020-11-05 1:46 AM
Around 40 tutorial videos are accessible from STM32CubeMX in Help menu/Tutorial videos since STM32CubeMX 6.0.0 release.
All those videos intend to answer frequent STM32CubeMX users questions.
It deals with various subjects such as FreeRTOS, DMA, GPIO, Software packs, System view tips, Getting started with X-Cube BLE, pinout view tips…
Those videos will be available to China users in the next STM32CubeMX release (6.1.0).
If you think that some specific tips, features or complex subjects are not yet addressed with these tutorial videos, we will be glad to hear your valuable proposals.
Thanks to share your ideas with maximum of details.
2020-11-16 8:59 AM
Quite characteristically, this post is not visible in the main STM32 forum.
@Jeanne Joly_O
@Camilo LEMOS
2020-11-16 9:03 AM
Okay, my edit did it - it was probably lost in time, even if Camilo edited it one hour ago.
2020-11-26 6:33 AM
There are some topics that are repeating over and over again. like "Missing chars/getting errors when receiving from UART". Don't know if a video is best, I would prefer more "Cook Books", showing real life examples for the basic IO interfaces. Lets take UART_TwoBoards_ComPolling from your firmaware as an example. This shows one transmit followed by one receive (and vice versa on the other board) of fixed length buffers. Hmm. in a cook book/video I would rather like to see full duplex comm in an endless loop at higher speed and ideally more judgements/recommenations when to use DMA and when not etc.. Newcomers are pampered by Arduino or maybe mbed and are overwhelmed by the many facettes of HAL.
2020-11-30 6:57 PM
I agree with this. I would love to see some cookbooks for HAL. Also the reference manuals are really complex to understand. I'd love to see videos about timers and all its facets and functionality. Not just the basics on Timers but more complex functionality too.
2020-12-15 5:46 AM
We need a proper video on how to make a C++ workflow, as the video here. And how to adjust c++ keyword recognition.
2020-12-17 2:14 PM
I'm looking for tutorial video how to use microSD with FatFS and freeRTOS generated by CubeMX. I've tried a few soluton which I'd tried in the Net but I still have a problem with that. Can you help me?
2021-01-03 7:24 AM
ST has a nice tutorial about making an external loader for QSPI memories which has 5 parts, But the tutorial has not enough information about making OR modifying loader and linker files ( I mean Loader_Src and linker script ) besides, there is not enough information on the internet to guide us.
So please make a comprehensive tutorial about it, Would you 8)
2021-01-11 4:59 AM
Thanks for the tutorial on USBPD Sink mode but I would like to create a USBPD Dual Port application, would your team make a tutorial on this. Thank you!
2021-02-28 5:53 PM
a few on the workflow for the MP1 would be great, or some mainsetup proceedures for the touchgfx. spent a few days configuring mine and i know these a few things missing (even though it still works fine)