2022-04-14 11:03 PM
I'm using stm32CubeMX to configure my STM32F429IITx device but the generated driver doesn't work , I have to substitute by example's driver program. My board cannot call SVC handle so that my RTOS doesn't startup ,I have to use system_stm32f4xx.c‘ old driver instead (unknown version). My I2C, DMA,uart all of cannot work if I dont switch to example driver.
Here is my Cubemx capture.
2022-04-15 7:24 AM
"Doesn't work" isn't a sufficient description. What doesn't work about it?
> My board cannot call SVC handle so that my RTOS doesn't startup
Why can't you call the SVC handle?
> I have to use system_stm32f4xx.c
This file is part of the CMSIS header, not HAL.
2022-04-17 5:59 PM
I call some of the generated driver API has no effect, for example I sended I2C data through DMA but slave device didn't receive any data. However,slave device can receive data after I copy files under STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver of example project to my project. I think its my HAL driver has some wrong files.