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STM32CubeIDE in combination STM32H7Rx/7Sx some errors/bugs?

Associate II

Hi together,

I have some errors and bugs that I have when generating code from the STM32CubeMX (V6.14.0) (STM32CubeIDE V1.18.0) on Windows11 as well as with the graphical interface.

1. STM32CubeIDE/MX generates the function PeriphCommonClock_Config() in the “Appli” which is not known/not defined. After I comment this out, the error disappears.
Is it possible for STM32CubeMx to deactivate the function in the “Appli”?
2. the function PeriphCommonClock_Config() is known in the bootloader “Boot”, but the definition “RCC_TIMPRES_ACTIVATED” is not known here. According to “STM32H7RSxx_hal_rcc_ex.h” only the definition “RCC_TIMPRES_ENABLE” exists. After changing the definition name, the problem is solved, but this is changed each time the code is generated.
3. I want to use the “Register callback feature” for the LTDC, but no “USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS” is generated in the “stm32h7rsxx_hal_conf.h” file, although the periphery has been configured in the STM32CubeIDE/MX. This means that the callback must be added manually each time the code is generated or is there another workaround?

4. since the update from STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 (STM32Cube FW_H7RS V1.1.0) to STM32CubeMX V6.14.0 (STM32Cube FW_H7RS V1.2.0) the header #include “boot/stm32_boot_xip.h” is included but not created? What is the header file all about?
5.every time I reopen the STM32CubeMX, the Memory Management Tool (MMT) shows me the error that the external RAM (FMC) is only 16MB, but the custom board uses a 32MB external RAM. If I now switch to the “Pinout & Configuration” view and change the “Number of column address bits” from 9 bits to 10 bits (and back to 9 bits) in the “FMC” tab, the error in the MMT is gone and the FMC area is displayed correctly. Now changes can be made to the MPU again. However, the error reappears every time I close the STM32CubeMX and reopen the project in the STM32CubeMX.


Associate II

1.2 PeriphCommonClock_Config1.2 PeriphCommonClock_Config2.PeriphCommonClock_Config2.PeriphCommonClock_Config3. Register callback feature configuratio3. Register callback feature configuratio1. PeriphCommonClock_Config1. PeriphCommonClock_Config4. boot/stm32_boot_xip.h4. boot/stm32_boot_xip.h5. FMC MMT Error15. FMC MMT Error15. FMC MMT Error25. FMC MMT Error25. FMC MMT Error35. FMC MMT Error3