2018-10-17 7:39 AM
How can I set CPU and MPU parameter in CORTEX_M7 for ethernet communication?
2018-10-17 7:52 AM
Not sure there's a vast array of CubeMX pro's here.
For the MPU settings, it will depend on the memories involved in the buffering, etc.
Review MPU_Config() example here
2018-10-25 1:53 AM
Hi bilge.kara1571.5359790493932312E12,
you can set thses parameters under CortexM7 configuration UI.
1- Open the configuration window through the CubeMX configuration tab
2- Set MPU control mode to your needed mode (regions configuration appears now)
3- Fill the needed regions by your configuration.
If you need a configuration example, please have a look on the FW applications