2018-10-22 9:33 AM
I ran into problems with the LAN8742A on the STM32F746-G discovery board. CubeMX is generating wrong values for some registers resulting in a misconfiguration of the MAC. I noticed this becuase about a quarter of all packets send were lost and a lot of duplicate acknowledgements were send in the TCP connection.
After some research I found this thread: https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=2495.0
I can approve these changes. By correcting the values, the board works like a charme. I have CubeMX 4.26.1 installed and generated the files about 3 weeks ago. Will this be fixed to help other developers? These were some exhausive last days finding this bug.
I also want to maybe help others to find a soulution for the described symptoms.
2018-10-22 10:57 AM
Are the examples for the 746 Discovery also faulty?
2018-10-23 1:02 AM
Hello @FStut ,
This issue is raised internally to CubeMx team for check and we come back to you soon with update.
Thank you for your contribution.
Kind Regards,
2018-10-23 4:21 AM
@LMI2 checked: They are correct.
2018-10-25 1:43 AM
Will be fixed next release