2023-03-20 4:00 AM
When generating a blank project for a STM32G4A1KEU6 I'm able to debug the code.
As soon as FreeRTOS is added (USE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT activated, Time base source is TIM6, Debug is Serial Wire) and no other peripherals are activated, I'm not able anymore to debug the code which comes after osKernelStart().
The processor is debugged using a ST-Link V3SET, pins SWDIO, SWCLK and NRST are connected to the ST-Link
When running the debugger, following error message is shown in a new window:
Break at address "0x1fff4cf8" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.
Can someone please help me out and tell me how to solve this problem?
2023-03-20 4:37 AM
0x1fffXXXX are adresses in the System memory (where the built-in bootloader sits).
Check state of BOOT0 pin, set option bits preventing bootloader entry through this pin if it is shared.
If this is a dual-bank chip, make sure BFB2 option bit is cleared, and/or VTOR is set to 0x0800'0000 before interrupts are enabled.
2023-03-20 5:28 AM
Hi @Community member thanks for you prompt reply.
The Processor is on a custom PCB, currently the BOOT0 pin is not shared and is directly connected to ground.
I managed to get it to work properly by setting nSWBOOT0 = 0 (BOOT0 taken from option bit nBOOT0) and nBOOT0 = 1.
At this point I wonder why it is not working properly when having the following two situations
Best regards
2023-03-20 6:52 AM
Hi Tiziano,
I see no reason why those two situations would behave differently.
Can you please read out the content of FLASH_OPTR register and post? Best the hexadecimal value of the whole register.