2018-11-11 11:54 PM
If you generate a project for Atollic and try to use it's Release build configuration, Atollic will show a warning in project settings:
"Orphaned configuration. No base extension cfg exists for com.atollic.truestudio.exe.release.1518366166"
You can reproduce this with a clear project, it happens every time. I'm working with STM MCU's for a year, and inbuilt Release configuration always showing this error.
2019-03-05 2:57 AM
I know that I can fix it, but that doesn't matter. It's still a bug which needs to be fixed.
2019-03-05 2:33 PM
Also being discussed at https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkY9ISAV/release-build-not-defining-compiler.
2019-03-05 2:36 PM
Yeah commented there too. The support is missing a proper bug tracking system where you can directly report bugs, it gets a ticket ID and you get informed when its fixed.
2019-04-26 12:12 AM
It is fixed in CubeMX 5.2.0. Could somebody else confirm this?
2019-04-26 3:14 AM
It works but it kills any custom settings made in the Post-Build steps. as I use this to calculate a checksum and make a flashable Image for the target here, I consider this still as a bug and highly annoying.
CubeMX shall not touch this line when generating / regenerating code.
2019-04-26 9:59 AM
Confirming fixed for NEW projects. Generated code from an existing project still shows the problem. At least there's a path. I am using this opportunity to check out the new STM32CubeIDE.