2018-11-11 11:54 PM
If you generate a project for Atollic and try to use it's Release build configuration, Atollic will show a warning in project settings:
"Orphaned configuration. No base extension cfg exists for com.atollic.truestudio.exe.release.1518366166"
You can reproduce this with a clear project, it happens every time. I'm working with STM MCU's for a year, and inbuilt Release configuration always showing this error.
2018-11-19 1:23 AM
Hi @kurta999
Thanks for the feedback, it has been reported to be fixed in the next STM32CubeMX version
2019-01-31 2:07 AM
Looks like it is not fixed in 5.0.1
Can someone confirm?
2019-02-07 12:13 PM
Confirming NOT fixed in CubeMX 5.0.1
(with Atollic TrueStudio 9.2.0)
2019-02-26 11:59 AM
Tested with 5.1.0, still not fixed.
2019-02-26 12:58 PM
Not working in 5.10 still....
2019-02-26 1:20 PM
On top it overwrites my custom "post build" settings which I use to generate a flash file including a CRC32 automatically after the build. This is in .cproject
2019-03-04 8:30 PM
I guess fixed could mean STM32CubeMX doesn't generate a build configuration that's broken this way from scratch. I don't expect it could repair a build configuration that's broken this way. I guess the repair method would be to manually delete the build configuration, and then copy and modify another one, or create a whole new one. If you're creating a whole new one, you might be best off deleting the .project and .cproject files and get STM32CubeMX to generate the project again.
2019-03-05 12:42 AM
May be a valid point. Still I don't like it when my customizations get overwritten without notice. There is already some work that went into it. Best thing would be to avoid such stupid mistakes in the first place. ST bought Atollic Compiler so they should test also with this compiler and not only debug but also release builds....
2019-03-05 2:29 AM
The error is still there even with deleted .cproject and .project file when regenerating the code in CubeMX 5.10