2021-04-16 8:07 AM
I've created a ioc for the NUCLEO-G474RE dev board to generate an interrupt for HRTIM_TIMER_INDEX_TIMER_A/C/D/E.
The code is generated correctly except for TIMER_E where STM32CubeMX disables the interrupt by replacing HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP3 with HRTIM_MASTER_IT_NONE. All 4 channels are configured (at least from what I can see) to be the same.
pTimerCfg.InterruptRequests = HRTIM_MASTER_IT_NONE;
if (HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig(&hhrtim1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E, &pTimerCfg) != HAL_OK)
This looks like a code generation problem with STM32CubeMx 6.2.1. I've attached the ioc file and main.c
If I manually comment out the first line above my TIMER_E interrupts works, but this is a pain, since I will have to do this every time I generate the code from STM32CubeMX.
2021-04-27 6:26 AM