Hello bestyeng If you need 16 bit precision with good linearity and slower speed - sigma delta ADC is good choice. Our SDADC has advantage of the internal gain usage.Regarding the reference voltage choice: internal 1.8V reference is cheap, external c...
Dear MahalakshmisudhakarThe FT_xx pins (except FT_c) have VIL threshold 0.3xVDD (standard guaranteed) but the exact design level is 0.39xVDD-0.06V.For the FT_c pins is the VIL level (in dependency from VDD used):for 2.7 V < VDD < 3.6 V : VIL < ...
Dear macbum, There can be some reasons for ADC error:You wrote that ADC is connected to OPAMP output. What type of OPAMP are you using? Because you use sampling time only 2.5cycles (I don't know the ADC frequency) - I expect that such short sampling...
Hi,The problem can be due to following behavior:If BFB2=1 then address 0x0000 0000 is mapped to system bootloader (written as note in RM0440 under SYSCFG_MEMRMP register description). If BFB2=1 system bootloder is activated. Bootloader then jumped to...