Dear MahalakshmisudhakarThe FT_xx pins (except FT_c) have VIL threshold 0.3xVDD (standard guaranteed) but the exact design level is 0.39xVDD-0.06V.For the FT_c pins is the VIL level (in dependency from VDD used):for 2.7 V < VDD < 3.6 V : VIL < ...
Dear macbum, There can be some reasons for ADC error:You wrote that ADC is connected to OPAMP output. What type of OPAMP are you using? Because you use sampling time only 2.5cycles (I don't know the ADC frequency) - I expect that such short sampling...
Hi,The problem can be due to following behavior:If BFB2=1 then address 0x0000 0000 is mapped to system bootloader (written as note in RM0440 under SYSCFG_MEMRMP register description). If BFB2=1 system bootloder is activated. Bootloader then jumped to...
Hi, Comparator in STM32G4 is very fast. There should be some glitch which is detected by COMP (during commutation). Try to use "blanking" feature for COMP - to stop COMP comparison during commutation - to remove glitches. Regards ...