2021-07-21 11:31 PM
What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.3.0
• Added the support for new part numbers in the STM32U5 Series:
STM32U575A(G-I)Ix, STM32U575A(G-I)IxQ, STM32U575C(G-I)Tx,
STM32U575C(G-I)TxQ, STM32U575C(G-I)Ux, STM32U575C(G-I)UxQ,
STM32U575O(G-I)YxQ, STM32U575Q(G-I)Ix, STM32U575Q(G-I)IxQ,
STM32U575R(G-I)Tx, STM32U575R(G-I)TxQ, STM32U575V(G-I)Tx,
STM32U575V(G-I)TxQ, STM32U575Z(G-I)Tx, STM32U575Z(G-I)TxQ,
STM32U585AIIx, STM32U585AIIxQ, STM32U585CITx, STM32U585CITxQ,
STM32U585CIUx, STM32U585CIUxQ, STM32U585OIYxQ, STM32U585QIIx,
STM32U585QEIxQ, STM32U585RITx, STM32U585RITxQ, STM32U585VITx,
STM32U585VITxQ, STM32U585ZITx and STM32U585ZETxQ
• Added the support for 3 new boards related to the STM32U5 Series: B-U585I-IOT02A,
• Added the support for 2 new boards related to the STM32MP1 Series:
STM32MP157D-DK1 and STM32MP157D-EV1
• Added the support for 1 new board related to the STM32L4 Series:
• Added the support for SMBUS Fast mode plus and SMBUS fast mode for the STM32G0 Series, the STM32WL Series and the STM32WB Series
• Added the support for RAMECC in the STM32H7 Series
• Added the support for PWR secure configuration for the STM32L5 Series in Arm® TrustZone®-activated projects (TZEN=1)
• Added updates for the installation procedure with the JRE™ bundling support. The bundled JRE™ is updated to AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.10+9 and JavaFX-11.0.2
• Added the support for STM32CubeMX updates with the https protocol
• Added license click-through: the user can accept the firmware package license terms
before any download
• Added thread-safe locking support. It can be enabled or disabled in [Project
manager]>[Project] Thread-safe Settings
• Added the support of the cohabitation between Azure® RTOS USBX or USB and USBPD
for the STM32U5 Series and STM32G0 Series, making it possible to enable and disable the USB support from USB-PD middleware
Known limitations
Please refer the the release note
Main fixed issues
2021-07-22 12:28 PM
Is there any information on the availability of FreeRTOS for the U5 devices?
2021-07-27 5:15 AM
Hello? Is this thing on? Why does this forum still suck after all these years?
2021-07-27 6:33 AM
We will reach soon the production maturity for the STM32U5 device, with availability of boards. As mentioned by Nawres, STM32Cube for STM32U5 was already released last week, including ThreadX. Note that STM32Cube MCU package is also available on GitHub at this link: GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeU5.
FreeRTOS support for STM32U5 will become available before a couple of months on ST GitHub first (without support in STM32CubeMX configuration tool), and then later on as an STM32Cube Expansion (with parameters configuration in STM32CubeMX tool).
Meanwhile, you can check the FreeRTOS adaptation layer provided in ..\STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.0.0\Middlewares\ST\threadx\utility\rtos_compatibility_layers\FreeRTOS directory.
2021-07-28 11:32 PM
The release notes for this version says:
I have seen the option in project manager, but haven't found any documentation on how it works, or when to use it.
Could somebody elaborate on this please?
Thanks in advance.
2021-07-29 1:00 AM
Installation fails on Win10.
Error: cannot open jvm.cfg
Indeed, there is no such file in the installation temp directory.
How to fix?
2021-08-04 5:16 PM
Could you please consider turning off the default setting for the system clock resolver in CubeMX 6.3?
It's very, very annoing when I have to fight with the tool, to get the settings I want. For instance, when I try to select the multiplier from the list, e.g. DIVN1 for STM32H7xx to support USB interface, the list is moving every time I try to select new value. It's like the software performs many attempts to find the optimal solution for all clock settings. I'd like to have this option off by default. Resolver should have been activated on request, but not all the time, because now I need to struggle with software. This is conterproductive.
Thank you in advance.
2021-09-04 3:50 AM
2021-09-09 11:52 PM
Why does STM32CubeMX turn on automatically?
Without any manual opening of the "STM32CubeMX" program, it will automatically open on the initial screen every five to ten minutes or so?
After it is turned off, it still starts automatically. If you ignore it, it still automatically starts another new program.
Version number: Version 6.3.0
Windows 10 operating system
2021-09-13 9:27 AM
I get this error when I start my .ioc project STM32F469ZIT after update to STM32CubeIDE v1.7.0.
Next bug on CubeMX v6.3.0 I found when generated code for function SystemClock_Config(void) had missing RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0}; and stuck. Take a look on this, BR.