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STM32CubeIdeMx doesn't allow DMA for ADC in continuous scan mode

Associate III


I'm trying to configure my project with STM32CubeIde 1.2.1

I want to use ADC1 to perform temperature and vrefint measurement.

So I configure my adc & dma :


But I'm not enable in cube to enable the DMA option, only disable is possible.

If I enable the flag manually in the code generated, I don't have any problem and the code is running as expected (continuous acquisition of both channel with an interrupt each time the acquisition is complete)

Is there a reason this option isn't possible in cube ?


If it wasn't for the forums I wouldn't have ADC DMA working on the H7 at all. I didn't realize how dumb I was until I faced the new bus matrix. It was needed, OK, and it's documented but I'm having trouble grokking it and can't afford to spend a couple of days doing what really needs to be done when there are no good tutorials, i.e. doing my own tutorial.

Khouloud ZEMMELI
ST Employee

​Hi @Community member​ , to abtain the fix you need to to migrate your project in a CubeMX version greater or equal than 5.4 , so  please follow those steps:

1 – Update the CubeMX version in the CubeIDE with a version greater or equal than 5.4

2 - Modify in the IOC following parameter value from false by true  , ProjectManager.AskForMigrate=false

3 - Load the IOC and answer « Migrate » to update the project with the ability to enable the DMAContinuousRequest

Best Regards,


Associate III

It's working (update to 5.5)
