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STM32CubeIDE - CubeMX deletes project

Associate III

I am trying to use STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0. Previously I was using 1.3.0. I was calling the CubeMX, since I wanted to make a change to the configuration. When CubeMX generated the update code, it deleted the entire project. No traces of the project are left, except for the root directory and and an empty directory "Drivers/CMSIS". Why is this happening? Forunately, I made a backup just before I did this, otherwise my entire project would have been gone.


Accepted Solutions
Associate II

Dear ST community,

Starting right now a 1.4.1 STM32CubeIDE release is available to you.

Please, at least if using 1.4.0 release right now, update to 1.4.1 relying on “Help > Check for Updates�?. You should even have been notified about.

Such minor 1.4.1 patch (some Kbytes) is solving issue reported by this topic.

We really apologize for inconvenience.

Issue was triggered according very specific conditions but as issue result is severe, I would back strongly advise you to update to 1.4.1 in any case shortly.

We have fixed issue and done a full review of our code preventing this kind of trouble to happen back.

Such quick fix has only been possible Thanks to your shared material helping us to dig into shortly. We really appreciate and encourage you to share, if possible, each time you have a support request whatever it is (help request, bug suspicion, …).

We are committed to best service to you all.

View solution in original post

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Possibly share our project or at least .ioc file to give a chance to help you ...

Should be pretty apparent to the devs where they are deleting everything, surely​

Tips, Buy me a coffee, or three.. PayPal Venmo
Up vote any posts that you find helpful, it shows what's working..

Except nobody complains any more about since 1.1.0 release if looking at such forum activity.

@Community member​ I appreciate a lot your contributions to such community but takes care to not just kill it posting this kind of unfair comments ... over past days you've done for free too much bad comments ...Since these posts have best answer pointing only end user miss usage ... 

Takes care ... helping is good, crying wolf damages the credibility

I'm still waiting from Keil or IAR some device configuration solution etc. ... ST is promoting a lot for free. Then as any software some bugs exist for sure ... not claiming at all ST proposal is best in class but I consider offer not so bad being fair.

Associate II

I updated today from CubeIDE 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 to find that everytime I do (Ctrl+S -> Generate code) in CubeMX, my project is removed from the project list and everything inside the project is deleted. In the project folder there only left the "Drivers/CMSIS" empty directory and the .mxproject.

Removing the current CubeIDE installation and installing the new one (1.4.0) from scratch gives the same problem. Then I went back to 1.3.0 (1.3.1 isn't available to be donwloaded) and had to undo the .ioc changes made from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 in order to be able to open them. (With 1.3.0 the project isn't deleted when generating code from CubeMC)

In the attached zip file you can find the last lines of .ide.log on which I can only see two errors:

  • 2020-07-29 11:17:05,438 [ERROR] IPConfigManager:1435 - ERROR: the RefConfig ADC_InternalChannelConfig is not available in your config.xml file
  • 2020-07-29 11:17:15,821 [ERROR] root:60 - Project update internal error. Project update process issue: Project is required

It's weird the log stops with the lines:

  • 2020-07-29 11:17:15,824 [INFO] ProjectBuilder:2044 - Time for Copy CMSIS : 0mS.
  • 2020-07-29 11:17:15,825 [INFO] ProjectBuilder:2044 - Time for Copy CMSIS : 0mS.

That could be the explanation of the empty folder "Drivers/CMSIS". When it's supposed to reconstruct the whole project, but it stops there.

There is also included the full .log file where there are some exceptions related to the "Device Configuration Tool Decorator" and another one being unable to create a linked resource because a folder does not exist. (I made sure the folder exists befor Generating the code in CubeMX)

I'll stick to 1.3.0 until someone finds out what's causing this problem.

Still possibly share .ioc file too ... without not possible to get a try to reproduce

Thank you very much for your help. If I create a new project using the .ioc file, it compiles fine and it doesn't gets deleted when the code is generated from CubeMX. So it has to be something related to the project.

�� good already but maybe an issue relying on existing project. Here working because restarted. Sharing .ioc file if possible would definitively help.

Myself not facing issue from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 but has so many possible options / way of working (too many ? ...) maybe one configuration is ending to a bug ...

After comparing the new project created using the .ioc file (the one that doesn't have this problem) with my project (that have this problem) I've seen that this line in the ".project" file is the one making the difference:

This line gives the problem described on this question:


Changing that line by this one, fix the problem:


It's possible ST failed to update this line in the project when opened in STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0... Since this "nature" is the one present in new projects, I'll suppose this is the right fix.

@Cartu38 OpenDev​ Maybe projects created on the latests versions of STM32CubeIDE don't have this problem. I started working on this project since STM32CubeIDE 1.0.2.