2020-06-05 6:35 AM
Hi, I have 3 SAI ports and 2 x SD cards ( FATFS in cubeMX does't set up 2 cards )
the chip is supposed to have 4 SAI ports stm32h753bit6
I get conflict errors if;
I have asynchronous set on SAI1 A without error on SWD pin
I have SDMMC2 in 4 bit mode without conflict on SWO pin
but there are no conflicting pins?
The main problem though , if I choose Syncronous on SAI1 port A and enable 1bit mode for SDMMC2 then the conflict errors go away in debug BUT....
PB3 JTDO-SWO pin remains orange!!
Am i doing something obviously wrong here ?
I attached the cubeMX file
2020-06-05 9:21 AM
Hello benyBoy,
I can't understand well your problem but this clarification may help you. In fact, SDMMC2 (SD 4 bits Wide bus mode) creates a conflict with JTAG (5 pins) debug mode. SDMMC1 (SD 4 bits Wide bus mode) and SAI1 (SAI A Asynchronous mode), create a conflict with JTAG with Trace Synchro (4 bits) and Trace Synchro Sw (4 bits) debug modes.
Please refer to DS12117 Rev 7 for more details about pins remapping and conflicts: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/dm00388325.pdf .
Backing to the attached MX project, you are using Serial wire debug mode with the following pin assignment: PA13: Serial wire data in/out (Debug_JTMS_SWDIO) and PA14: Serial wire clock (DEBUG_JTCK_SWCLK)
PB3 is pinned, therefore the signal assigned to the pin (DEBUG_JTDO_SWO) is kept but the pin PB3 is highlighted in orange since it no longer matches a peripheral mode.
2020-06-05 4:09 PM
The real problem is that STM32CubeMX issues warnings (yellow) even when there are no conflicts. It's simply letting you know about potential conflicts if you tried to assign more pins. Just ignore them.
2020-06-05 5:09 PM
Hi , Thanks so much for your reply. I understand now I do NOT need PB3 DEBUG_JTDO_SWO pin for SWD debug to work.
I just unassigned the pin and will remove the trace on the next board revision.
It is also a bit confusing there are conflict errors on the debug section relating to JTAG modes in yellow even though I am using SWD debug mode.
Thanks again,