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Nodes are not declared global in the "Low Level" initializations performed by STM32CubeMx with STM32U5 processors

Associate III

I want to manage a uart in reception with a DMA in circular mode using "low level" functions on a STM32U575ZITxQ processor. The initialization of my code is done with STM32CubeMx 6.13.0.

In the "Project Manager->Advanced Settings", I chose "LL" for "GPIO", "GPDMA", "TIM" and "USART".
In "Sytem Core->GPDMA1" channel1 is configured in circular mode with a "request" = USART1_RX.

When I generate the code, the following code is generated for the uart initialization function:


Unfortunately, as we can see, the node "Node_GPDMA1_Channel1" is declared local to the function, which makes its effective use impossible (unlike the "HAL" functions which make the node global).
For my code to work (and it does), it is necessary that I take the node declaration out of the function and make it global.

Of course, I have to repeat this change every time I regenerate the code with STM32CubeMx...

Is there something I didn't do correctly, or is this an STM32CubeMx issue?