2020-09-02 12:40 AM
1) CubeMX create a usart type port, without opportunity to use UART_AdvFeatureConfig(); I implemented by myself the setting of MSBFIRST bit and works fine.
2) using USART2 in synchronous mode, on the read operation tx and rx lines are exactly equal and on both ones I get wrong voltage level on (using oscilloscope)
2020-09-04 6:40 AM
what's wrong is RSR register; using a oscillosciope (LeCroy 600Mhz), on the second operation (rx) I see a try to send the correct code of the mems (0x11) with wrong voltage levels, depending on the value in TDR register; both USART2TX/RX have exactly the same behaviour, so even on tx I see the same waveform of rx.
Anyway thanks for your attention & time, I can't spend more time for this stuff as I'm not blocked on it.