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On stm32L010RB datasheet and on STM32L0x0 reference manual (RM0451) I found 512 bytes (category 5 devices) place at 0x0808 0000.Using STlink utility program, erase sector shows 2 banks of 0xc00 bytes starting at the same address, for a total of 0x18...
1) CubeMX create a usart type port, without opportunity to use UART_AdvFeatureConfig(); I implemented by myself the setting of MSBFIRST bit and works fine.2) using USART2 in synchronous mode, on the read operation tx and rx lines are exactly equal a...
I don't understand what's wrong as only auto generated code is involved;  execution enters a dead lock waiting for a tick by HAL_GetTick() but no tick interrupt are invoked.