2021-05-21 8:41 PM
We are using the old style of MCU development in our current project. The project uses Keil STM32 MCU configuration already. A lot of configurations are done by the header file. How do I import this MCU-specific pin out from the existing sources?
We are planning to migrate to STM32F427ZIT6 MCU, in order to port to the new MCU, first, we would like to migrate the existing MCU code CubeMX compatible project so that we can easily switch between different MCU versions.
I come across the STMSPL2LL tool, but the current project we are not even using the SPL library.
Any hints or suggestion is to this port very much appreciatable.
Looking forward to seeing your suggestions.
2021-05-22 5:31 AM
You can't generate an IOC file from existing code. It's a one way street.
2021-05-22 9:43 AM
> we would like to migrate the existing MCU code CubeMX compatible project so that we can easily switch between different MCU versions
Those are just empty marketing lies from ST... CubeMX gives almost zero added value in regards to portability. You can make your own code and libraries much more portable than ST's broken bloatware will ever be. Use the migration moment and do it!
I'm using the same code on different MCU series, models and boards. I have a complex project which I can compile for multiple boards with a single click and the board specific code is just around 100 lines! And my demonstration firmware in this topic is also compiled with the same libraries.