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As shown below the screen, when I am running the MCU application, it is running without any flaws. However, when I notice the TraceExceptions window on Keil IDE, noticed a large number of hard faults occurring. But these faults do not trigger fault h...
We are porting applications from STM32F1 to STM32F427 MCU. Currently, we are not explicitly configuring SCB->CCR unaligned trap, based on ARM M4 manual, LDR, VLDR always triggers the fault if the address is not aligned properly.Do I require to use me...
I am having an issue with the firmware update on STM32F427 MCU by using the ST-Link utility tool and Keil debugging functionality. When I reload the new program on MCU, sporadically flash erase step marking few sectors are write-protected. I used the...
We are using the old style of MCU development in our current project. The project uses Keil STM32 MCU configuration already. A lot of configurations are done by the header file. How do I import this MCU-specific pin out from the existing sources?We a...