2022-08-02 11:43 PM
2022-08-03 12:10 AM
doesnt it tell you aything helpful when you hover the mouse?
like this
2022-08-03 12:16 AM
It only tell that continuous mode and discontinuous mode can not be used at this same time (which is logical) however I can not change "Discontinuous Mode" to disable
2022-08-03 1:12 AM
Could you share your cubeMX file with us?
2022-08-03 1:18 AM
2022-08-03 2:27 AM
Hi, what version are you using? There is a bug in cubeIDE 1.9.0 for the G0. In our projects we override in the USER section of the initialisation function.
2022-08-03 6:05 AM
i opened your file, indeed there is something weird in cubeMX, it forces you to do scan->Discontinuous mode, in other boards stm32f072 of mine i dont have this issue.
Sorry i couldnt be of much help here