2020-05-28 1:38 AM
MCU reference : STM32F429ZITx
FW package name : STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.25.0
MDK ARM(Keil) version : 5.30
STM32CubeMX verision : 5.6.1
at that time, i want to create code but i can not.
just [the code is successfully generated under ~~ .but MDK ARM V4 project generation have a problem]
how can i solve this problem?
i can see other qeustion that may already have my problem.
but i cant sole...
ps. i try MDK ARM V4, V5, V5.27.. BUT ALL FAILED
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-05-29 2:43 AM
Hello CMOON.1,
The max version supported by STM32CubeMX is java 11, normally there is no problem working with java JRE version 8.
I can't reproduce the problem from my side, It works well and the project is correctly generated (I am using MDK-ARM v5.29)
Please try to uninstall then reinstall MDK-ARM.
2020-05-28 2:41 AM
Hello CMOON.1,
I can't reproduce the issue, can you please attach your .ioc file to check the problem ?
2020-05-28 5:30 AM
NOTE: This problem may be related to the JAVA version installed on your computer . JAVA 13 is not not supported by STM32CubeMX, the max supported version is actually JAVA 11.
2020-05-28 10:57 PM
Thank you bro.
I attached ioc file.
And you said i should use java11, but I only downloaded java runtime enviroment version8 update251.
Does this matter?
2020-05-28 10:57 PM
Thank you bro.
I attached ioc file.
2020-05-28 10:57 PM
And you said i should use java11, but I only downloaded java runtime enviroment version8 update251.
Does this matter?
2020-05-29 1:55 AM
is there a problem that i use MDK-ARM(Keil) lite version?
2020-05-29 2:43 AM
Hello CMOON.1,
The max version supported by STM32CubeMX is java 11, normally there is no problem working with java JRE version 8.
I can't reproduce the problem from my side, It works well and the project is correctly generated (I am using MDK-ARM v5.29)
Please try to uninstall then reinstall MDK-ARM.
2020-05-30 12:28 PM
bro ur lang is dump and gramar saks
P.S. And your "bro" is actually a "sis"...
2020-06-06 11:16 AM
thank you
i solve the problem.
I tried to generate the code in Keil right from cubeMX, but when I create and set a project in keil, it is automatically connected to cubeMX.
After that, even if the code was generated in cubeMX, it was immediately reflected in Keil.