2023-08-28 3:49 AM
While enabling Timers in CubeMX, I accidentally clicked on TIM6 which is already on by default and used by the Core I believe. I re-enabled it by clicking on it again and of course the default settings got erased. And now whenever I try to run my code, it is giving me this error:
Target is not responding, retrying...
Question: How can I restore the TIM6 to its default settings so that I can solve this problem?
I compared the TIM6 settings with other working projects and couldn't find the difference. Other projects run on the board.
Board: STM32H745XI
2023-08-28 4:34 AM
Hello @Krautermann ,
The "Target is not responding, retrying..." error message means that there is a communication problem between the board and the debugger. You need to consider and review a number of factors, like incorrect settings on the ST-Link, or wrong debug configuration, issue in debug pins assignment, USB connection issues...
First, try recover board with STM32CubeProgrammer: try connection under reset, or with BOOT0 pulled HIGH, might provide a quick way of recovery.
Check SMPS/LDO regulator issue. You can have a look at these articles that may help you: