2017-01-27 1:38 AM
I use STM32CubeMX ver. 4.19.0.
I've configured DMA channel for I2S peripheral and saved the project. But when I try to open it again I get this warning:
The project is attached.
#bug #i2s #stm32cubemx #dmaSolved! Go to Solution.
2017-03-02 8:26 AM
,This issue will be solved in CubeMX4.20 and this release will come soon!
BR. Eric
2017-01-27 2:40 AM
,I try to locate the file and I getthe warning when open your project.
I created a new project with STM32CubeMX 4.19 and same configuration but I cannot reproduce your issue.
I reported your feedback to our CubeMx team for more investigation.
2017-01-27 4:04 AM
I've checked another computer with a fresh STM32CubeMX installation - same problem and MCU doesn't matter (but I tried only STMicroelectronics MCUs).
I do this to recreate the problem:
And then try to open the project.
2017-02-02 1:30 AM
,Here is a screen shot of the
regarding the DMA1/2 request mapping for STM32F446 MCUs :You can see that it is not possible to configure DMA1 channel for I2S1 peripheral.
When I tried to reproduce your use case, I create first a nex project STM32F446ZEHx, then activate I2S1 in Half-Duplex master (as you did) and then go in DMA configuration, I tried to click on Add button to add a request (for DMA1) and an error message is raised ''No available DMA requests for configured peripherals''... That is compliant with the reference manual.
If I tired to activate for instance, SPI2 in full duplex, I can add a DMA1 request on SPI2_RX or SPI2_TX.
So I don't know how you added a DMA1 request on I2S peripheral, but it is not possible with CubeMX (as said in RM).
2017-02-02 2:09 AM
,Yes, there is no option to configure DMA1 for I2S1 peripheral, DMA2 only. It is configured to DMA2 Stream 0 in the project attached to my original message:
Not sure, why you get this message: ''
No available DMA requests for configured peripherals''. 2 streams (Stream 0 and Stream 2) are available according to your screenshot from datasheet.I have this when configure DMA for I2S1 (I can choose DMA2_Stream0 or DMA2_Stream2):
Best regards,
2017-02-02 4:30 AM
,Yes, I see your point.
I'll get back to you as soon as I have an update.
BR. Eric
2017-02-02 11:05 AM
I also have this issue, but my error is 'The SPI3_RX DMA request was not loaded.' The result is that my dma config for I2S3 rx is not loaded and I have to go back and configure it each time I load the project. From there I can generate the project normally with the DMA configured properly. I will save the project, but the same thing happens in subsequent loads. This just started happening with 4.19.0.
This is very easy to reproduce.
Let me know if I can provide any additional information that might help.
2017-02-07 2:53 PM
I have the identical problem with STM32F745 but it seems to be consistent with any STM32 component which supports both I2S and DMA. The problem only occurs when the mode is configured to RX and DMA configuration is Peripheral to Memory.
2017-03-02 8:26 AM
,This issue will be solved in CubeMX4.20 and this release will come soon!
BR. Eric
2017-03-02 10:45 AM
Thanks for the update Eric. I look forward to the release.