2022-07-19 02:40 AM
I am using STM32H7B0VBT6 and I wanted to activate the wake up from Standby on PA0 (WAKEUP_PIN1) with rising edge, the code used is the following:
PWREx_WakeupPinTypeDef sPinParams = {0};
sPinParams.WakeUpPin = PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1;
sPinParams.PinPolarity = PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1_HIGH;
sPinParams.PinPull = PWR_PIN_NO_PULL;
HAL_PWREx_EnableWakeUpPin (& sPinParams);
However, I found that "PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1_HIGH" actually activates the falling edge and not the rising edge!
Instead, for example on WAKEUP_PIN4, the setting is done correctly.
Please fix in future releases of IDE libraries.
thank you!