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Bug: CubeMX TIM3 initialisation code causes lockup

Gavin Baker
Associate III
Posted on March 14, 2018 at 08:07

When the attached ioc file (minimal test case, consistently reproducible) is generated using CubeMX 4.24, firmware package V1.6.0 and built with TrueStudio 9.0.0 the processor locks up when it reaches the call to




for TIM3. The processor is an STM32F103RF. No additional code was added and no code modified from the original generated code.

else if(htim->Instance==TIM3)


/* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspPostInit 0 */

/* USER CODE END TIM3_MspPostInit 0 */

/**TIM3 GPIO Configuration

PC6 ------> TIM3_CH1


GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6;

GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;


HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);

__HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TIM3_ENABLE();         // <<===== LOCKUP!

/* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspPostInit 1 */

/* USER CODE END TIM3_MspPostInit 1 */


The processor seems to lock up and the STLink debugger loses its connection when the red line above is executed. In the debug console, the following output is observed:

Debugger connected

Error in executing 'step' command ...

FAILED to REGISTER Values from the target

Target is not responding, retrying...

Target is not responding, retrying...

Target is not responding, retrying...

Strangely enough, two error messages appear in red, but then disappear. After much trial and error, I managed to capture the errors in the console:

warning: Remote failure reply: E31

Remote failure reply: E31


If I comment out the call to


and skip the above, the generated code continues to work as expected. Similar code for TIM1 and TIM2 don't seem to cause this problem.

#bug #timer #cubemx #stm32f103 #lockup
Associate II

Sorry, my mistake. TIM2, channel 2 is in conflict with JTAG. I changed the timer and now everything works fine.