2019-09-07 7:22 AM
Tried to update and download documents.
Still buggy.
STM32CubeIDE, Version: 1.0.2, Build: 3566_20190716-0927 (UTC)
2019-09-11 12:13 AM
I can't get the same thing on my end.
Any specific board? Is it every time? Do you have problems downloading other things via MX?
2019-09-11 1:01 AM
I'm not the OP, but it happens when you press the "DOWNLOAD" button next to "Download all Documents" label. It takes a long time - about 30 minutes. In the end you get the error window which indicates that some files were not available.
Also, it doesn't really download "all documents": many, many relevant application notes are being not downloaded. To give an example, I have the G4 package installed, but AN5325 isn't being downloaded. I guess the "tree" that you use in MCU Finder's mcuDocs.json and mcusFeaturesAndDescription.json databases where the specific documents are "linked" to specific MCUs isn't being very carefully managed with every application note that ST has to offer. It would be nice if someone from ST could review/optimize the "linking" process so that no document would be missed from the train.
2019-09-11 6:07 AM
2019-09-16 6:24 AM
I could get the same problems you did even without the project last week.
I'm not sure if the time it takes, which for me was closer to 45 minutes, can be considered a "bug" but I can definitely make an enhancement request because I agree that it is way too long.
Regarding the errors I received the same (although a couple more on my end) so I'll make a bug report for that as well.
Thanks for letting me know, guys!