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Getting started with STM32

Hello everyone.
I'm starting to work with ST .
Working on nucleo-g071rb.
I watched the videos.
I turned on an LED and managed to send a string on the UART.
I'm trying to define an array or variables and I can't.
I worked in a different environment, Atmel's codvizion.
Apparently the syntax is different.
I work in the C language.
How can I learn to define variables from arrays and such...
My project is supposed to have buttons. Turn on LEDs accordingly. Send a word according to the button via the heart.
Get OK confirmation
I'm really starting with ST .
I can't define variables from arrays and such..
I'd appreciate help
For example programs
Thanks Yitzhak.


@User1658312518282898261 wrote:

I'm starting to work with ST ..

Are you familiar with any other microcontroller(s)?

Are you familiar with C programming? With programming in general ?


Here are some getting started tips:


Please also see the posting guide for this forum:


@User1658312518282898261 wrote:

I'm trying to define an array or variables and I can't.

So show us what you tried, and tell what problem(s) you had - see the posting guide for how to post code


@User1658312518282898261 wrote:

I worked in a different environment, Atmel's codvizion.

Apparently the syntax is different

You mean this: ?

I've not used it, but it says that it's "ANSI C" - so should be no syntax differences.


@User1658312518282898261 wrote:

How can I learn to define variables from arrays and such....

That's standard C programming stuff - so any C reference, textbook, or tutorial should cover that.

Here's some C learning & reference materials - including a free online textbook:


EDIT: your previous post on the same question: