2022-02-09 12:50 AM
I am using CubeIDE 1.8.0, STM32F0 FW Package 1.11.3
When you generate code from IOC file with ADC enabled and afterwards decide to enable DMA and run code generation again, the order of initialization is not correct. ADC is initialized before DMA is initialized.
As a result, DMA simply does not work. DMA is not initialized for ADC in this configuration.
This can be fixed by re-arranging the initialization order in IOC in Tab "ProjectManger".
I would like to suggest, that the code generation checks this setting and forces DMA to be Initialized on position 3 (first SystemClock, then GPIO, then DMA, then everything else)
2022-02-09 1:12 AM
This is a known issue and we are already working on it.
In the meantime, you can help yourself by changing the order manually, as you have described or as can also be found in this thread.
@Khouloud OTHMAN