2021-02-23 4:26 AM
STM32 CubeIDE v1.5.1; Build: 9029_20201210_1234 (UTC)
The same Eclipse Project as:
It is a 'C' Project, but the CubeIDE defines __cplusplus:
Which, as you can see, messes-up the codes checks to see if C++ is being used!
If I manually delete that definition, all is fine.
The problem does not happen when opening the project in a "normal" Eclipse Neon 3.
So why is CubeIDE adding this?
2022-03-04 9:13 AM
When you "delete" from within the IDE, that just takes things out of the workspace - there is an option to also delete them from the filesystem ...
2022-03-07 10:33 AM
Wow - that is a radical move... :)
I don't even have a theory as to why this did not work in the first place for you.
Can you re-produce it in some way again? Maybe you could export an old tag of the project, where it is not working, assuming the project is under version control? If so, I can try it on my side...
2022-03-15 8:49 AM
2022-03-15 1:15 PM
I ran into this problem again today, and this time it didn't matter how many times I removed and re-created the project in the project tree, the MCU selection was always greyed out. The only thing that fixed the issue was to delete all .*project files.
Further, when I was finally able to select an MCU using the workaround method, the options for FPU were all set to "software". Odd given this part has a hardware FPU.