2021-02-23 4:26 AM
STM32 CubeIDE v1.5.1; Build: 9029_20201210_1234 (UTC)
The same Eclipse Project as:
It is a 'C' Project, but the CubeIDE defines __cplusplus:
Which, as you can see, messes-up the codes checks to see if C++ is being used!
If I manually delete that definition, all is fine.
The problem does not happen when opening the project in a "normal" Eclipse Neon 3.
So why is CubeIDE adding this?
2022-03-02 2:27 PM
I'm sorry to report that the "little stunt" to expose the MCU listing in IDE v1.7.0 no longer works. So, right now I cannot debug my project.
Can we please revisit this ASAP? Thanks!
2022-03-03 1:36 AM
When you say, "no longer" - does that mean it was previously working for you?
Las time I tried on v1.7.0 (probably a month or so ago), it was still working.
Have you recently done an update? Are you sure you're still on 1.7.0?
2022-03-03 9:04 AM
Ohhh I'm on 1.8.0!
Any ideas?
2022-03-03 10:20 AM
"Any ideas?"
I think we'll have to as @mattias norlander ...
If you have a 1.7.0 project to which the "little stunt" has been applied, does that then work when opened in 1.8.0 ?
2022-03-03 10:36 AM
Yes, I can debug my 1.7.0 Makefile project just fine.
2022-03-03 10:40 AM
Just to be clear: That's a project created in 1.7.0, and then opened in 1.8.0 ?
2022-03-03 10:42 AM
Yes, I had created this Makefile project in 1.7.0, and it still works in 1.8.0. Appreciate the help!
2022-03-03 2:20 PM
I finally got things working by deleting:
So, I think the problem lies in there somewhere.
2022-03-04 1:37 AM
Hmm ... the .cproject and .project are the Project - so does that mean you had to re-create the Project from scratch?
2022-03-04 8:21 AM
Yes, I had to re-create the projects from scratch. I seem to be posting half-answers, haha sorry about that.
I thought it had been a workspace issue because I had deleted and re-created the project several times to no avail. I'm thinking maybe the project files aren't being cleared/deleted when they're deleted from the IDE project tree?