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STM32WL55 dual core debug _ error 18 when debugging CM0+

Senior II


I have started to use stm32wl55 nucleo.

I try to debug a basic application.

I start by debugging CPU1 (CM4) than after booting CPU2 (CM0+) i run the debug for the second CPU.

But ST-LINK: Could not verify ST device!

error details :

Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to start GDB server

Failed to start GDB server

Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: (18) Could not verify ST device! Abort connection.

Any suggestion ?



Accepted Solutions
mattias norlander
ST Employee


Yes, unfortunately a regression bug has been confirmed with respect to debugging of STM32WL Cortex-M0+ core in STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 vs previous versions. 

  • Short-term: The few number of users affected are advised to use STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0 which contains a matching feature set with respect to STM32WL development.
  • Long-term: The final fix will be delivered in the next STM32CubeIDE version.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Kind regards, Mattias

View solution in original post

Senior II

1- CM40693W00000KcGqsQAF.png 2- CM0P


Senior II

here is my debug config :

CM0P :

0693W00000KcGyxQAF.pngCM4 :


ST Employee


The debug configs look good.

Maybe add one to the port on CM0+ debug config.

But you should download CM0+ application code with the CM4 core.

To do that, go to the startup tab (of CM4 debug) and add the CM0+ elf download.

And In the CM0+ startup tab, select the elf and edit to remove the download (keep the load symbols).



Hi LaurentL,

i have already do that. but it is not working !

i have repeated the same staps in this video

when i run an application the code in CM0P is executed it is work correctly but not in debug mode !

ST Employee


Did you change the Option Bytes config ?

Because I can see the DDS option bit (in Security Configuration OB) that should be unchecked to be able to debug CM0+.

Can you check with STM32CubeProgrammer that this bit is unchecked please ?

And is the security enabled ?

Option bit ESE in Security Config OB ESE tab above PCROP.

When you say you are trying a simple application, is it dealing with RF on CM0+ ?

Or really simple as the default "Empty" project or "Cube" project created with STM32CubeIde new project ?

Maybe the CM0+ application is going to low power mode ?

Can you try the simple empty project ?



ST Employee

Hello all,

We also encounter an issue with the last version of STM32CubeIDE v1.9.0. Rolled back to v1.8.0 could also resolve your issue if LaurentL's solutions did not resolve it already !

Best regards

Hi Laurent,

The applications which i tryed are : a dual core empty project and a blinking led project.

Finally, the problem was resolved by using CubeIDE v1.8.

Hi Laudo,

Thank you, the problem was resolved by returning to v1.8

mattias norlander
ST Employee


Yes, unfortunately a regression bug has been confirmed with respect to debugging of STM32WL Cortex-M0+ core in STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 vs previous versions. 

  • Short-term: The few number of users affected are advised to use STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0 which contains a matching feature set with respect to STM32WL development.
  • Long-term: The final fix will be delivered in the next STM32CubeIDE version.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Kind regards, Mattias