2021-11-26 12:30 PM
I am running the LoRwWAN_End_Node example on the NUCLEO-WL55JC1
I've followed the steps set out in the following video:
I am connecting to an existing local gateway on the TTN, and not using my own gateway as they are in the video.
I have configured the device on TTN console and have achieved and confirmed the following:
However the NUCLEO-WL55JC1 fails to join and cycles through join attempts returning "JOIN FAILED" each time due to "MAC rxTimeOut"
I've attached screenshots of TTN console and the serial output from the Nucleo board
Can you advise how I can get the Nucleo to succesfully join TTN?
2021-11-28 04:19 AM
Try this: is for firmware version 1.0