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I'm working with STM32CubeWL, version 1.1.0. Starting a new project from .ioc file seems that the firmware will be upgraded to the version 1.2.0. Is this correct? Can I find, somewhere in the source code, the firmware version?Can I avoid this behavio...
Let me see if I've understood. I'm using STM32CoreWL for LoRaWAN end-node implementation, where I need to insert my sensors. As specified on AN5406, the low power modes are activated by UTIL_SEQ_Idle(), when the sequencer has nothing to do. So there ...
I've found a significant difference in the function MX_TIMx_init() function generated from STM32 development tool for two different platforms. The first (it work) is generated for NUCLEO-F413ZH the second (it doesn't work) is generated for NUCLEO-WL5...
I'm working with the NUCLEO-WL55jc1 board and I have one strange behavior. I need one output pin and I've called it Trigger.Initially, the pin PC2 was used but I wasn't able to make it work. It had incorrect output voltages and some bounce like it wa...