2022-11-18 6:34 AM
I have an ILI9341 LCD working on the Discovery board with 32F407VG, but I wanted to try TouchGFX as it supports ILI9341, but it won´t let me install in.
So I downloaded the TouchGFX package off the STM web, thinking I would patch the library in myself, but I can't see the source code for the ILI9341 library.
Curious why TouchGFX is not supported for 32F407VG as the Discovery board works perfectly with the 9341 LCD module.
2022-11-18 6:44 AM
Primary TochGFX dont provide driver for displays. NONE.
Secondary TGFX is software package, need be installed before try add into project.
Open ioc file or manage software and install
2022-11-18 8:36 AM
Okay thanks, got it! I missed that on the TouchGFX intro page.
My ILI9341 driver works well on Full-Duplex SPI DMA transmit, but nothing is being received, I´m still debugging it with a scope, all the signals are there, but nothing on SDO from 9341, I´m using a discovery 407VG board and PB14 set as SPI2 MISO.
I'd hoped to find a solid driver I could use as a reference.