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Why is TouchGFX greyed-out on STM32CubeIDE using STM32F407V-Discovery board?

Senior III

I have an ILI9341 LCD working on the Discovery board with 32F407VG, but I wanted to try TouchGFX as it supports ILI9341, but it won´t let me install in.

So I downloaded the TouchGFX package off the STM web, thinking I would patch the library in myself, but I can't see the source code for the ILI9341 library.

Curious why TouchGFX is not supported for 32F407VG as the Discovery board works perfectly with the 9341 LCD module.

Chief III

Primary TochGFX dont provide driver for displays. NONE.

Secondary TGFX is software package, need be installed before try add into project.

Open ioc file or manage software and install

Okay thanks, got it! I missed that on the TouchGFX intro page.

My ILI9341 driver works well on Full-Duplex SPI DMA transmit, but nothing is being received, I´m still debugging it with a scope, all the signals are there, but nothing on SDO from 9341, I´m using a discovery 407VG board and PB14 set as SPI2 MISO.

I'd hoped to find a solid driver I could use as a reference.