2020-07-24 2:34 PM
I am new to TouchGFX, so I am starting with something simple, displaying an image on the screen. I am using a custom STM32H753 board, where the display is hooked up through the LTDC interface. The display is working properly; when I write manually to the frame buffer, then the data gets displayed correctly. I was using the TouchGFX designer to create the screen with the image, and I set it as boot display. However, the image never appears on the screen. I checked that the task for touchgfx is created and also entered. Also the LTDC line interrupt is generated correctly. I am not sure in which part of the code, which TouchGFX is generating the actual drawing take place. So far I could not locate any code, which actually draws to the frame buffer. I found some shells for drawing functions, but they are all doing nothing. So something seems to be fundamentally wrong here, and I am missing the starting point where I can look. Can someone give me a hint why I am not getting anything drawn on the screen?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-07-29 10:28 AM
Update: I restored my working environment, now using STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 and TouchGFX 4.14.0. And suddenly I am getting something on the screen. Except for the STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0 disaster, previously I was using a 1.3.1 and 4.13.0. So this made the difference, without changing anything in the code or in the configuration. Strange... But at least now I can start doing some real work :) Thanks to everyone who got involved!
2020-07-29 11:58 PM
So you are saying that you changed only CubeIDE and the TouchGFX version ? On what board are you working on ?
Please tell me the steps you did from a working project to a none working one.
2020-07-30 1:45 AM
I was able to reproduce your problem (project deletion). I myself struggles a lot with getting things working in general with CubeMX within CubeIDE.
So one big personal advice from my experience : never use CubeMX inside CubeIDE. Using CubeMX within CubeIDE is, in my opinion, the best way to make your project not work.
Instead, use CubeMX, and CubeIDE only as an IDE to compile and debug. I'm confident that doing this works as I did it many times. Moreover, I migrated some projects to CubeMX 6.0.0, TouchGFX 4.14 and CubeIDE 1.4.0 and build/debug worked perfectly.
One thing that might be an issue for some board is that CubeMX generates code for the second layer, which should not be generated. So if you have a problem, set everything to 0 for this layer. It is called Layer 1 (and the first layer is Layer 0). You will find the Layer settings in the LTDC settings.
Please refer to the image below.
2020-07-31 10:20 AM
It's a custom board and a SSD1963 display. Somehow, TE interrupt was disabled after update. Enabling it again solved it. It's working on latest IDE and Touchgfx.