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STM32CubeIDE - Why all these functions occupy flash areas 2 times?

Associate II


After compiling my project I noticed that I have the flash on my H743 is almost full. When I checked the Memory Details under the Build Analyser I found that all of my screen functions repeated two times. The attached sreenshot shows more clearly what I mean. Could anyone tell if it is a necessity for some reason or am I doing something wrong?

Many thanks,


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Can you show the linker script?

The addresses for each "function pair" are identical, though, so I'd say the functions are not doubled, only the tool you use to display them is confused.

Try to enable compiler optimization.


Associate II

I am using CubeIDE. Here is my linker script.

I agree with @waclaweck.jan the functions do not seem to be doubled, just displayed twice (maybe flashed twice at the same addresses ? which would increase the flashing time for no reason). Could you add the "STM32CubeIDE" tag to your post ? Maybe someone with more knowledge on the tool will chip in.


Associate II

Many thanks