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Problem with STM32F746G DISCO and TouchGFX Demonstration program.

Associate II


I built the demo below (from STM32Cube-F7) and Flash the .hex file using CUBE-Programmer (with external loader enabled) it to my STM32F746G DISCO.


The display looks like the picture attached. Does anyone recognise this problem ?

(The Hardware is OK … as I can run STemWIn demo fine.)

Any ideas please ?


Chief III

Before i ask you to send me the hex file did you try debugging? Is the application running but it's just the image on the display that's distorted?


Associate II

Hi Martin,

yes the code is running. Unfortunately, with the F7 single-stepping/interrupt problem, I cannot meaningfully step through the code.

I have moved the Demonstration Code, cleaned workspaces, imported several times and the result is always the same.

I have enabled the external FLASH loader and used .hex file with CubeProgrammer . The result is always the same.



Chief III

Could you send me the hex file? Just to see if it's a problem with your board. If not, then we can do some more digging, but i wouldn't rule out an issue with the configuration in that cube package.

Could you try creating an application through the designer for the F746G-DISCO? Those templates work for sure.

I'm seeing some patterns on your screen that are reminiscent of offset issues - Do the colors make sense to you when you compare with the assets used in the application?


Associate II

Hi Martin,

HEX file attached.

I could try … but I've had such bad experience lately ….. tried to do something with CubeMX-IDE and TouchGFX …. which you know is a disaster …. and wasted so much time......

The colours do make some vague sense … and there is a "bar" along the bottom, which looks correct.. See attached asset.

When I touch the screen I do see some _very_ slight change in pixels at the top of screen....0690X000009k490QAA.png

Associate II

I can't believe this problem has been around for over 2 years! This person had the exact same problem : What is the point of ST publishing examples of TouchGFx that don't work on their own hardware!

If you use the STM32F746G-DISCO template from the TouchGFX designer you'll have a working application - And it's worked ever since we had support for it. I don't think you're considering all the possible things that could go wrong here.



I'm having the same issues you're having. What i think is that the Cube firmware package was not properly tested with respect to demos and examples. This distribution channel is very different from what we do in the TouchGFX designer where you can access all demos and examples.


Which compiler are you using? CubeIDE? Atollic? System Workbench?

Please just use the TouchGFX designer. Choose the STM32F746G-DISCO application template and select the example or demo that you want from the ui templates.


Associate II

I understand your point Martin, but my point is still valid. These are supposedly working examples.....and they do not work. So, instead of assisting engineers evaluate Touch GFx, they are actually wasting engineers time and giving them a bad experience of TouchGFx.

It would not be good enough to just remove them from Cube F7 either. There needs to be some proper TouchGFx demonstrations that show the full capabilities on these the CPUs (F746, F769,etc.) that work out of the box.

I used System Workbench and got the result in the photo above. Yesterday I used MDK V5 and got a completely different, but still wrong result! See photo below.


You're right in that respect - They should work! But claiming that this has been an issue for 3 years is inaccurate. But i realize that you're frustrated. Our demos and examples from within the designer have always worked on STM32 Boards. TouchGFX has not been part of CubeFW for more than a year and it seems that the demos and examples from the cube FW packs are not prioritized properly. Sorry!

You already have your demos and examples available through the TouchGFX designer. That's our teams main focus. Let me know if you need some help with that. I'll relay your concern to the firmware team,

Thanks for sharing!
