‎2020-01-23 4:59 AM
Hi everyone,
Just a heads up regarding the new (v3.0) STM32F746G-DISCO application template. As some of you have experienced, when using CubeIDE, the project was referencing some non-existant files and the Post-Generate command (after pressing Generate Code in TouchGFX designer) was not able to clean these up, which it can for other IDE/project types.
When compiling some of you saw this error:
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/TouchGFXProjects/YetAnotherTest/TouchGFX/gui/src/logoargbbilinear127qspi_screen/LogoARGBBilinear127QSPIPresenter.cpp', needed by 'Application/User/gui/LogoARGBBilinear127QSPIPresenter.o'. Stop.
I've fixed and uploaded the Application Template so you no longer have this issue. To fix it manually you can:
But, as said, going forward any project hat is based on STM32F746G-DISCO from the designer does not have these issues.
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for reporting the issue.
‎2020-02-04 12:00 AM
Hi @Martin KJELDSEN​
Any update from the CubeIDE team on this :)
‎2020-02-04 12:46 AM
Haven't heard anything. Pinging them now,
‎2020-02-14 10:38 AM
Same problem with F746G-DISCO no solution
(Read)Failed determine breakpoint type
Error! Failed to read target status
Debugger connection lost.
any news ???
‎2020-03-04 12:56 PM
Strange... I built a template for CubeIDE 1.3.0, based on the blank ui. When it comes to choose another template in designer (file -> new), on the left i can choose "application template" STM32F746Discovery Kit in V3.0.0 but on the right side all the ui templates are 1.0.0, 1.1.0 or 2.0.0... Absolutely nothing in V3. Also in "online applications" i see just one app for the H750B-board and two washerdemos in V1.0.0 (as in the picture above). Of course i changed from simulator to my f746-board V3, but the shown apps and templates never change ...
‎2020-03-27 4:32 PM
Exactly the same problem here. Seems CubeIDE isnt really ready for prime time :\
‎2020-04-01 12:36 AM
STM32H743-EVAL v3.0.0
For this tempelate is there, or still creation in progress?
‎2020-04-01 2:23 AM
It's there. Check it out.
‎2020-04-01 2:33 AM
Thank you, I got it.
‎2020-04-01 3:40 AM
I have a fix for this CubeIDE debugger issue. I just forgot to upload a new template - Will get on it ASAP!
‎2020-04-23 3:50 AM
Hello Martin, have you already uploaded the new template?