User Activity

Can we add digital clock to custom container,? I have to display time on all the screens.I added digital clock to Custom Container but not getting how to write and where to write logic for timer (in custom container have to write timer logic or on ...
I am not getting how to start with all the configurations, want to build the project with settings ,,any projects are there to start with will be helpful
I am new to TouchGFX. I am working on STM32 controller based project. In that TFT LCD screen is one of the peripherals. I want to create screens using TouchGFX so that i can set value on screen and run timer according to the value entered on screen, ...
I am using TouchGFX to create app, which i want to intigrate with STM32Cube IDE, but in this IDE , GRAPHICS option I am not getting, what to do to proceed further. M i missing something to add or what (library or package)