2021-06-22 12:43 PM
I am reading RM0390 and have been finding a lot of mistakes in the CAN section.
Who do I tell about them? Is there an email address or a form?
2021-06-22 3:52 PM
You can report it here and add the tags "Documentation" and "Bug-report". Sometimes it gets addressed, sometimes not.
2021-06-23 7:26 AM
I do not want to take the time to document an error for a "sometimes not".
Texas Instruments has an email for you to send documentation errors to, so that the people responsible for documentation will see it and fix it. No hoping someone will pass it on to the right people.
I do not see a lot of ST people answering a lot of questions here.
2021-06-23 1:30 PM
This is the place folks come for help anyway, so here they can find those errors if they are interested.
> Texas Instruments has an email for you to send documentation errors to,
Yes, I've been ignored there, too.
2021-06-23 4:06 PM
> I do not want to take the time to document an error for a "sometimes not".
I don't think you ever get a guarantee something will get fixed, unless you're not paying for it (and sometimes not even then). Up to you if you want to do that or not.
2021-07-01 7:54 AM
Hello @KiptonM ,
Thank you for taking the time to post your feedback in the Community!
I added the right topics (Documentation and Bug Report) to your question as said by @TDK, this is recommended in order to increase its chance to be reviewed by ST Moderators or ST experts.
You can also send your feedback and report errors/issue via Online Support (click New Case).
So, please share your finding errors in this post and I assure you that I will take the necessary action for fix.
I would really appreciate your cooperation on this, and I'm sure that your feedback will be very helpful.
2021-07-29 3:02 PM
I am looking at RM0390 Rev 6 Page 1086-1089 Table 218. It lists the registers for the bxCAN.
Except you are missing some of the registers.
CAN_FMR register from page 1082 is not in the table.
CAN_FM1R register from page 1083 is not in the table.
Page 1075 under LEC[2:0]
There is a reference to
001: Stuff Error
010: Form Error
No where in the entire document is Stuff Error or Form Error defined. (I had the error and had to try to figure out what was wrong.) At least make a reference to another document that explains it if it is beyond this document.
Let me know if you get this.
2021-07-29 3:20 PM
Page 1057
"The filter banks are configured by means of the corresponding CAN_FMR register."
This makes no sense. The CAN_FMR register sets the start of the banks.
"To configure a filter bank it must be deactivated by clearing the FACT bit in the CAN_FAR register."
The FACT bit is in the CAN_FA1R register.
"The identifier list or identifier mask mode for the corresponding Mask/Identifier registers is configured by means of the FBMx bits in the CAN_FMR register."
The FBMx bits are in the CAN_FM1R register.
2021-07-29 11:36 PM
Thanks @KiptonM, I appreciate you taking the time to post these errors.
Please note that your feedback is reported internally to take the necessary action.