2021-03-24 2:52 AM
I write code and manuals for 36 years and I've learned that those are too often written by a person who fails to put himself in the readers position. A reader who's not familiar with the topic otherwise the material was not required in the first place. The easiest way to check a manual is to give it to somebody who doesn't know the topic and check where this person gets stuck. The STM32 reference manuals are full of gaps when a person wants to write bare metal code (or gives up on reverse engineer HAL / LL functions).
For instance: STM32L410 reference manual: RM0394 Rev 4: page 788 (and many others):
"the bit is cleared by software". What is missing here: HOW? By writing zero or writing '1'??? I would expect '0' based on my tests.
Any STM32 manual about timers: (L41x, L15x, F746, F767,..)
So far I found up to 6 channels per timer. Where is the info what channel uses what I/O pin??? The only way I can figure out is by assigning the pin in Cube and check what I/O pin changes. This is not a nice method to obtain the info. I can imagine in large companies where hardware design may be done by somebody else as the firmware engineer this becomes problematic.
STM32 advanced timer reference guides (same devices as above):
I've been trying to use the timer reload as a DMA trigger to write the Output compare, so I can output a PWM signal. I still haven't found what the DMA channel options are (I was in doubt TIM1_UP meant 1 count up, but so far seems more to be UPdate?). So far I failed to implement it using DMA triggers so I implemented in a different way.
Example code (just some info to consider in example programs):
a function called "io_init" or similar is expected to initialize the I/O, no need to write in comment virtually the same information if the function name explains everything (that type of comments just distracts without adding value). Better give a list of peripherals affected (anything else than "init the I/O" can be considered better). When one adds a comment, don't repeat what's obvious from function names / parameter names. For instance: provide parameter limits,.. all info not obvious from types or naming.
2021-03-24 3:19 AM
>> For instance: STM32L410 reference manual: RM0394 Rev 4: page 788 (and many others):
>> "the bit is cleared by software". What is missing here: HOW? By writing zero or writing '1'??? I would expect '0' based on my tests.
The bits are defined as rc_w0.
If you go to page 60
1.2 List of abbreviations for registers you can see:
read/clear write0 (rc_w0) Software can read as well as clear this bit by writing 0. Writing 1 has no
effect on the bit value.
2021-03-24 11:57 PM
I agree that the manuals are badly written, and the fact that it's genuinely hard, takes a dedicated person or group, a well-designed process; and the fact that the competitors' manuals are worse - these are explanations, not excuses.
As for your particular questions:
2021-03-26 6:41 PM
Trying to get a peripheral up and running from the Reference manual can often be like a medieval quest. I felt this way when trying to get the DFSDM up and running with a digital (PDM) microphone. Just a simple code example of getting a microphone up and running via writing direct to registers would have saved me a lot of agony.