2023-07-11 9:41 AM
I am working on the STM32H7A3ZGT6 with the following parameters
I am trying to add a USB device CDC for debugging. My objective is to print debug data on the virtual port com. I am sucessufull at sending data directly after the USB CDC init but when I use another module, the USB isn't working anymore and the TX function if returning a Busy error
I configured the USB with the following parameters: (Clock to USB = 48MHz)
The USB is initialized fine and I can open the Port Com on my computer.
If I put data to the usb directly after the USB init it is working, but once I use another peripheral (UART, SPI…) the USB no longer outputs any data and the function CDC_Transmit_HS returns a busy error
uint8_t test_cdc_usb[] = "Coucou";
print_debug_usb(test_cdc_usb, sizeof(test_cdc_usb)); // PUT USB DATA OK
print_debug_usb(test_cdc_usb, sizeof(test_cdc_usb)); // PUT USB DATA OK
memory_SPI_Init(); // USES OCTOSPI2
memoryMes_init(); // USES OCTOSPI2
print_debug_usb(test_cdc_usb, sizeof(test_cdc_usb)); // PUT USB DATA ERROR BUSY
The Function used to flush data to the USB CDC is the following:
uint8_t usb_cdc_debug_buffer[2048];
void print_debug_usb(uint8_t * data, uint16_t size)
memcpy(usb_cdc_debug_buffer, data, size);
usb_cdc_debug_buffer[size] = '\n';
while(CDC_Transmit_HS(usb_cdc_debug_buffer, (size+1)) == USBD_BUSY);
I didn't change the code genereated by CubeMX for the USB device and am using the CDC_Transmit_HS found in the usbd_cdc_if.h file.
Do you have any idea where this could come from?
thank you
2023-07-11 10:02 AM
How did you set the interrupts priority?
Usb working fine with high priority, just system and systick should be higher, all other lower.
2023-07-12 1:15 AM
The priority settings does not change the problem. I put the usb as highest after the system and I still have the same behavior
2023-07-12 4:11 AM
DCC_Transmit_FS() must be called from an interrupt service routine of the same priority as USB interrupt If you call it from main, it will sooner or later hang.
2023-07-12 5:52 AM
Ok, so I created a timer with the same interrupt priority and I call the function CDC_TRANSMIT_HS in the handler of this timer.
The result is still the same, when I use another peripheral I get a busy error from the CDC_TRANSMIT_HS
#include "usbd_cdc_if.h"
#include "tim.h"
uint8_t usb_cdc_debug_buffer[2048];
uint16_t usb_cdc_data_size;
void USB_handler(void)
HAL_TIM_Base_Stop_IT(&htim17); // Time timer
CDC_Transmit_HS((uint8_t*)usb_cdc_debug_buffer, usb_cdc_data_size);
void print_debug_usb(char * data, uint16_t size)
memcpy(usb_cdc_debug_buffer, data, size);
usb_cdc_debug_buffer[size] = '\r';
usb_cdc_debug_buffer[size+1] = '\n';
usb_cdc_data_size = size+2;
HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim17); // Time timer
2023-07-12 6:03 AM
I also tried to put an echo in the USB received function (sure to have the same IT priority) to send the data received back. I got the same result BUSY:
static int8_t CDC_Receive_HS(uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t *Len)
USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer(&hUsbDeviceHS, &Buf[0]);
uint16_t len = *Len;
CDC_Transmit_HS (Buf, len);
return (USBD_OK);
/* USER CODE END 11 */