2024-03-28 4:58 AM - last edited on 2024-04-03 1:01 AM by Imen.D
I am trying to run both ADC in dual REGULAR SIMULTENIOUS mode (ADC1 as master and ADC2 as salve) ADC Converted Result shall be stored in an Array Buffer using DMA transfer (single channel only), ADC conversion trigger shall not be software based (we are selecting Tigger Source as TIM1).
i am using STM32G474RE Board.
2024-03-28 5:08 AM
What is the question/issue?
2024-03-28 5:16 AM
Hello ,
I have already been using Triple ADC (ADC1, ADC2, ADC3) in interleaved mode in STM32F407 in another project (It is running perfectly fine), whereas with G4-series same configuration not working as expected.