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STM32 timeline infographics

Is there a newer version of this infographics:


It was used in the "10 years of STM32" campaign.

If there is no such, can please such infographics be produced? It could accompany a "17 years of STM32" campaign




If we dug hard enough we'd probably find it being actually used as early as 2004. ARM had RTL and tools in the Fall of 2004, not just a press release. By whom and for what purposes it would be harder to determine, not everyone discusses what they are doing openly, or buried within their equipment. But in the preceding 2-3 years I can be pretty sure it's more than ONE.


Personally I'd find a chart of units sold in the calendar Years 2007 thru 2023, and STM32 models available too be a more powerful / compelling pair of plots.

The victors get to write the history books.. If you believed all those you'd think America was first with digital / electronic computers, and not a chap called Tommy Flowers, in England, who did it any way despite the lack of support / vision from his managers and employer.


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I might read into this that TSMC was, and Samsung was a huge SoC player for ARM7 and ARM9  ARM's White Paper

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ISTR that ARM injected some cash (and/or other support?)  into Luminary Micro to get them going ?

>>But it's still not true for ST to claim to have been the first - they weren't.

Exactly, its a Sales and Marketing trait that I find particularly grating. I can understand why indigenous people object to Columbus "Discovering" America, I'm glad he found it, and can celebrate that, but please don't tell me it wasn't there before he got there.

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ST Employee

Dear @waclawek.jan @Tesla DeLorean @Andrew Neil @AScha.3 ,


I was reading your comments with full of nostalgia:-) on How the Journey started . All what has been said is correct and it is now almost 20 Years when we worked with ARM to have a new Core for the MCU world ( Real-time) industrial: Low latency for IRQ, as fast as possible with thumb2 and low cost Tools ecosystem ( SWD and beyond) . I was among the team of  first engineers at ST who played with the Cortex-M3 core mapped on FPGA in fall 2004 and got outstanding performance vs ARM7 at that time .  Today it is another chapter at MCU market, we need to keep the pace of innovation , This Community is an important piece of it. Stay tuned .

