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ST-LINK V2 with STM32F103C8T6(Bluepill) code upload error

Associate II

I have tried to upload a blink program to a Bluepill (STM32F103C8T6) board through ST-LINK V2 while doing so i get the error as "Target no device found Error in initializing ST-LINK device. Reason: No device found on target." and        "

Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61234

Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61234

Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61234: Connection timed out.
localhost:61234: Connection timed out


Could anyone help me out with this problem.

ST Employee
  • Blue Pill have generally only had counterfeits for years and no longer have an original STM32F103
  • The same applies to ST-LINK/V2 if it is one of these tin cans
  • ST software cannot work with counterfeits, partly because their behaviour is unknown.

What software are you trying to programme with?


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We are using STMcubeIDE v1.12.1(software used)


ST Employee

Please consider to install the recent version of STM32CubeIDE.

What does your ST-LINK/V2 look like?

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These are the pics of ST-LINK V2 and Bluepill we are using

I had several such modules, identical to the one in the photo. They all had a counterfeit MCU, and had the same problem with the ST-Link connection. I solved it by buying original MCUs and resoldering. Then everything worked OK.

This might work with the Blue Pills, but the ST-LINK/V2 in the picture of the TO also looks like a counterfeit. This can be checked if you open it and have a look. There is also an article in the knowledge base or some discussion that describes this. Unfortunately, there is no official way to turn such a fake into an ST-LINK that behaves like the original by replacing the STM32F103, because the firmware is not officially available.


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 "Target no device found Error in initializing ST-LINK device. Reason: No device found on target." .

So it doesn't see any STM32 Target device attached.

As the others have said, that could be because there is no genuine STM32 device on your board.

Can you successfully program any other boards with that ST-Link?