User Activity

Hello, I have a problem accessing the forum from Mozilla Firefox. The browser constantly refreshes pages cyclically. I tried different PCs from home and work. Firefox is version 114.0.2. 64bit, Windows 10. Browsing is OK when using Edge.
Hello,I have a very simple project to generate 50/60Hz PWM signal with MCO 3MHz output for other HW. So far my code is just turning on the PWM, everything else is generated by CubeMX. But the MCU falls into HardFault when MCO (Pin 4 PF2-NRST) is set ...
Hello.I would like to know the correct procedure to program mcu in this case. I have four outputs as timer PWM output (1,4,5,8), one as GPIO(6) input and one as GPIO(7) output. I have ST-Link 2 (SWDIO,SWCLK,NRST) for programming. I'm not sure what to...
Hello,I bought few Blue pill modules with this MCU. But I have a problem with them in CubeIDE (Eclipse) When I try debuging or write code into MCU, there is an Error (underneath) for all modules with this MCU (STM32F103C8T6, 99lKA 98, MYS 803)I have...