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PWM No Output for TIM1 on STM32L476

Associate III

I use Cube to setup TIM1_CH4 on PE14 as PWM

Setup of ioc

PE14 -> TIM1_CH4 in pinout

Ch 4 PWM Generation Ch4
Conter Settings: Counter period 20
PQM Generation Cannel 4: Pulse 5

Modification of main:

HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_4);


It should be this simple, but no output on PE14...

(I tested PE14 as GPIO so its not wrong pin I look at...)



Accepted Solutions

I actually got it to work at 4 MHz now, but not 8 MHz as was my goal.

Conter Period should be 9 and pulse should be 5 I guess. That worked for TIM2 but not for TIM1... It is too advanced to be fast?!?

View solution in original post


I don't use Cube but TIM1 is an Advanced Timer and needs TIMx_BDTR.MOE to be set.


ST Employee

Hello @peter,

This should work with HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_4); your config/ code looks correct

I see you're using a custom board, have you tried to output another signal on those pins? 

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Associate III

Just to verify that PE14 is operational i once more (typo PE15 in original post) verified my setup for measurement, and it seems fine.

As far as I understand the MOE is set with the PWM project.



Show all Timer and relevant GPIO registers content.


Chief II

@PeterL , you set timer to 80/20 -> 4MHz output, with 5 ticks pwm, 60ns pulse.

But set pin to low speed, -> set high.

And set debug not to disable, if you want to debug.

try mod. ioc:


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I actually got it to work at 4 MHz now, but not 8 MHz as was my goal.

Conter Period should be 9 and pulse should be 5 I guess. That worked for TIM2 but not for TIM1... It is too advanced to be fast?!?

So set period (arr) to 9 , not 20.   (80 / (9+1) = 8 MHz )

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