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Problems with data reception via USART3 on STM32F429-Disco board

Associate III

Original post:

Even setting USART3 it doesn't work (see attachments). Did I make a mistake setting some parameters, or is something missing? Thanks a lot


@mƎALLEm wrote:

From the user manual of the board

@mƎALLEm  This is another case where the Hardware block diagram (Fig 2) in the UM could be more helpful:



Already mentioned in the User manual of the board:




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Is this a new board?

Because older revisions (B01) of it did not have the VCP capability.

Revision should be displayed on a sticker on the bottom of the board.


Yes, but it would be more helpful if it were also shown in the block diagram.

@waclawek.jan wrote:

older revisions (B01) of it did not have the VCP capability.

I guess that's why it's not shown on the block diagram - it was just copied without being updated?