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Memory mapped mode write sizes for PSRAM APS6408L on B-U858I-IOT02A Discovery Kit

Associate III

@Alex - APMemory I am trying interface APS6408L on the B-U858I-IOT02A Discovery Kit in OSPI DTR memory mapped mode for both read and writes. The datasheet for APS6408L mentions that the page size for it is 1Kb. 


In the memory mapped mode, is it possible to write in a chunk greater than 1Kb for the RAM? I am read this for the memory in the datasheet, 

"Burst Type & Length
Read and write operations are default Hybrid Wrap 32 mode. Other burst lengths of 16, 32, 64 or 1K bytes in
standard or Hybrid wrap modes are register configurable(see Table 20). The device also includes command for
Linear Bursting. Bursts can start on any even address. Write burst length has a minimum of 2 bytes. Read has no
minimum length. Both write and read have no restriction on maximum burst length as long as tCEM is met."


I am using memcpy for writing the data in the memory mapped mode. My question is, is it possible to write in blocks greater than 1Kb for this memory?






Alex - APMemory
Senior II

Hi Rikesh,

Maximum Write is 1 page (1024Byte for 64Mb, 2048Byte for 256Mb), and not limited for Read (RBX), subject that maximum burst length as long as tCEM is met.




I hope this help to reply to your question



@Alex - APMemory , Thanks for your prompt response. I was assuming that the maximum write burst length of 1024 is only applicable for linear burst write(A0h). Is this true for sync Write(command 80h) as well. 


I was using memory mapped mode and trying to write data using etl::copy functions,

                volatile uint8_t* flash_ptr = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t*>(OCTOSPI1_BASE + address);
                etl::copy(data, data + size, flash_ptr);
Does the maximum write burst length limitation of 1Kb apply to all the write modes, 
both indirect and memory mapped modes?

Could you share share these details, or how your implementation differs these details please? 

  • Your PSRAM is memory-mapped and cached and you're copying internal SRAM to the PSRAM using the CPU (not DMA), so how you're managing the entire 1k would remain in the cache for the duration of the copy, e.g. if your code's multi-threaded, how you're ensuring that parts of the 1k aren't prematurely flushed from cache by the accesses of the other threads?
  • You'd start the write to the PSRAM by manually flushing the cache, so you're expecting the cache/AXI bus would burst the entire 1k from its start address?

@alister , Below are the details of my implementation,


I am doing this for just RAM testing at present,

* I am using the BSP driver for APS6408L provided by ST for the B-U858I-IOT02A Discovery Kit thats uses OSPI DTR in memory mapped mode.

* I have been trying to test the RAM by disabling the cache(although I did try enabling it and did not see any difference)

* For testing I have PSRAM read and write functions, that read and write in 32 bit aligned word on the PSRAM. I am only copying test data from SRAM to PSRAM(without using the DMA). My read and write functions are below,

 uint32_t ReadMemory(uint32_t address, uint8_t* data, uint32_t size)
            // address and size should be 32bit aligned
            if (address % 4 != 0 || size % 4 != 0)
                return 1;
            if ((address + size) > (max_ram_addr + 1))
                error_status = 2;
            else if (error_status == MemErrorStatus::eNoError)
                volatile uint8_t* ram_ptr = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t*>(OCTOSPI1_BASE + address);
                etl::copy(ram_ptr, ram_ptr + size, data);

            return 0;

        uint32_tExtRam::WriteMemory(uint32_t address, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size)
            // address and size should be 32bit aligned
            if (address % 4 != 0 || size % 4 != 0)
                return 1;
            // Check memory size out of bound
            if ((address + size) > (max_ram_addr + 1))
                return 1;
            else if (error_status == MemErrorStatus::eNoError)
                volatile uint8_t* ram_ptr = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t*>(OCTOSPI1_BASE + address);
                etl::copy(data, data + size, ram_ptr );

            return 0;
The read and write testing appears to be working when the size of data >= 1024. I do have a confusion here though, does the write needs to be page boundary aligned. e.g. Is it possible to write 1024bytes at address OCTOSPI1_BASE + 4?
* If I do not use Dcache, my assumption is that the cache flushing does not matter. 
Associate III

@Alex - APMemory @alister One additional question, how does Row Boundary Crossing affect the memory mapped mode?

Alex - APMemory
Senior II

Hi Rikesh, 

Linear Burst Commands are required to support RBX Read

To write 1024B you need to write 1 full page, not crossing the Boundary (no RBX write)

This is apply to memory, whichever memory mapped mapped mode or other


Associate III

@Alex - APMemory Does this mean I cannot do operation like memcpy for sizes greater than 1Kb?

HOw can I handle sizes greater than 1Kb in memory mapped mode? Appreciate if you could elaborate .



I'm linking to this other thread for completeness, and honestly to find / navigate later.

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You can't test you're performing 1kb byte bursts by software, except perhaps by measuring the CPU cycles, allowing for test overheads and applying some inference. You could test using an oscilloscope or logic analyser however.

You've mentioned you'd experimented disabling cache, but that is puzzling, as where would the 1k bytes of test data be queued except in cache, and with cache disabled, how do you expect the CPU wouldn't stall on each access while it completes an individual access to the flash? Are you expecting the AXI would start a 1k burst while your code is accessing to the 1k in the internal address space and pause the QSPI CLK while the CPU is slower and stall the CPU while the QSPI is slower? Can the STM32U5 do that? You mention "did not see any difference". Are you only comparing the data values? You need to measure the time.

Don't list your software. Is your "memory mapped" the same as RM0456 rev 5 section 28 describes? Please explain the engineering of reading/writing the OSPI flash as 1k byte bursts while it's in memory-mapped mode.